Thursday, September 10, 2009

My Sweet Baby Boy!!

Yesterday was such a special day for us! My husband, mother-n-law and I went to my doctor to find out the sex of our baby. The lady took us back to the room to do the ultra sound and she could not get the baby to get in the position where we could tell what it is. Finally after she bothered it enough it moved and she's a boy!! He is absolutely Perfect!!! He had the hiccups the whole time we watched him. He also yawned several times so Big. We were so excited she actually got the yawns on the DVD to show family. It made everything so much more real to be able to see my baby moving and doing so many things all by himself. I am posting a couple of the pictures we got of him. The first one is him laying the most still he was the whole time we watched. He was such a mover! The second picture is him moving his hand over his face. He seemed to like his hands around his face. Now I have to get serious about decorating his room in the new house. I pretty much have everything picked out I just have to OK it with the hubby and get it ordered.


Beth said...

Thats my little newphew...can't wait to meet him!!!

Ashley said...

These are just precious! What a blessing! I just love looking at these, and brings back memories of my sweet Avery's pics. I just cherish them!!

Congrats on having a BOY! They are so special!!!

Danielle said...

I am SOOOO happy for you! Now you can decorate and pick a name and buy all kinds of sweet goodies for him! Congrats on your little boy :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats, I know that ya'll are so excited!