Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day

I had a wonderful Mother's Day. The morning started out not so good because we where late for church but thats not unusual for me. But the day started to get better when I received a very pretty potted hanging flower for being the mother with the smallest child in our church. Whoo hoo! We enjoyed a cook out at my grandparents with lots of family then later that night another cook out at my sister-n-laws (Bethany Tramel). We had so much fun eatting and playing with the boys. Even Bethany's mom had a good time with Baby Lee. ; ) We had already changed out of our dressy cloths and Lee had to borrow cousin Carsons shirt after he had an accident but we decided we needed a picture anyway.

Lee is doing so many new things now he is just blowing my mind! Just yesterday I caught him raising up on his belly which is huge since he use to just lay and cry with his face down. He is also eatting baby food as of last week. So far we have tried carrots and green beans. I dont believe he liked carrots to much.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello my friend. I am SO glad you had a good 1st Mother's Day. Your baby is so sweet I could just eat him up. By the way I'm glad we won the election. Love you, Krissa