Thursday, March 25, 2010

Parties almost over

Lee is now 10 weeks old! He is doing so many new things! He likes to lay and fuss sometimes and it is so funny to me and Josh. We will set and laugh at him becuase he will fuss with some funny sounds then lay and wait a second to see if someone will get him what it is he wants whether it be to picking him up or putting the paci back in. Tax season is almost over for his daddy and we will be so glad when he can spend more time with us! Oh and I only have two more weeks off and I am so sad. Well I will be glad to be back in a routine and at work with my friends but he still isn't sleeping through the night. I am hoping that will happen soon!!! Mommy is so tired!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Mr. Frog

We purchased a new toy this weekend. Mommy was getting boring. He likes to lay and stretch out most of the time so I thought he might really enjoy something to look at other than me all day. He does seem to like it and I was so exited to see him reaching for it. He is begining to smile alot also. Gosh I know I keep saying it but he is growing so fast!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

How I Spend My Days

I spend my days looking at this sweet face

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Are you serious?

Can you believe it? Vienna...really? I just cant believe Jake chose Vienna over Tenley! I was so disappointed but I really figured he would. Tenley would have made a perfect wife for Jake where as I am not so sure about Miss Vienna. Oh and the new bachelorette Ali, well I was never a big fan of hers either. I was hoping it would be Gia. Oh well. I was very excited to see the new cast of Dancing with the Stars! Kate Gossling looks so different than she use to. I cant wait to see if she can dance. Leave me a comment about the out come of The Bachelor if you watched it to.

Monday, March 1, 2010

My poor little boy

Lee is 7 weeks old today! Time is going by so fast. He was doing so good and now he is so congested. I took him to the doctor Saturday because Friday night he scared me to death when he couldnt catch his breath from all the congestion. Well the doctor says its normal and there is nothing we can do for him but use saline drops. He has since gotten worse and I can tell he is just having such a hard time breathing through his nose. It breaks my heart because I can't fix it or make him feel better. I am praying this goes away soon!

On a brighter note Lee has began to smile. It is the sweetest thing. I can never tell when he will do it again so I havent got a picture yet. I hope to catch him in the act soon! Also Saturday afternoon he laughed at me. That was a first. The funny thing was I wasnt even talking to him, I was talking to my mom and he looked at me and laughed. I was so excited but he hasnt done it since. Saturday the Doc said smiling is still involuntary but it still makes me melt to see him do it!!

So help me pray for Lee to feel better soon. Even though it may be nothing he sounds aweful and I just want it to go away!! Aunt Bethany took some pics of him last Thursday night. She had a hard job trying to get a good one. He did not want to do without that paci. Here is a couple she sent me from that night.