Saturday, February 6, 2010

Growing Fast

I just knew when Lee was born I would be making pictures like crazy and blogging all about him. Wrong! I dont know where all the time goes. He will be 4 weeks old on Monday and that seems crazy! He is growing super fast. Here are some things we have learned about baby Lee
At his 2 week checkup he gained 2 oz. and grew 2 inches
He is such a grunter and makes all sorts of sounds which all get louder at night during bedtime
Speaking of bedtime...he likes to sleep during the day and keep mommy up all night
He has a love/hate relationship with his paci...he loves it sometimes and sometimes he acts like it repulses him
We have a game we play everynight where he has the paci then spits it out then wants it back lol
He does the cutest things with his mouth you have ever seen
He likes kisses
You can almost never get him to burp
He is starting to lose his pretty hair on one side
He fits perfectly into his newborn cloths which means soon he will be moving into the 0/3 mths :(

I hope to make more pictures and post them soon!

He likes to lay and look at his mobile in his crib

Cousin Andrew holding Baby Lee at 3wks old

1 comment:

Danielle said...

He's adorable! I'm so happy for you and hope that he gets his days and nights in the right order soon :)